Every year insurance companies pay out millions of dollars in water damage claims. The same damages also cost homeowners millions in deductibles and increased premiums not to mention the hassle and disruption of having everything repaired.
Many people are unaware that some insurance companies provide discounts on your Homeowner's Insurance when water leak protection is installed. Water leak protection may include motorized water shutoff valves, Insteon and Z-Wave Water Shutoff Packages, water leak detectors and other devices currently being installed by many cost conscience homeowners. Check with your insurance carrier to see if you can qualify for discounts.
Do your homework when shopping for an automated water shutoff valve. Automatic water shutoff valves are not all the same. Beware of lesser quality valves sold at cut-rate prices. Look for valves that have the following qualities:
Low Voltage Operation (Water and high voltage don't mix well)
Valve Position Feedback (Provides an electrical indication of the actual valve position. This indication provides the peace of mind of knowing that the valve is actually in the fully off position.)
Integrated Motor (Add-on motors can become loose and may not have the strength to operate the valve when needed most.)
Waterproof Gear Train Motor with Auto Shutoff (Motor should shut itself off automatically so no power is consumed when idle. Solenoid valves consume power constantly when operated and can become hot to the touch.)
Long Life (All motorized valves sold by Innovative Home Systems have been tested for reliability to 70,000 operations.)
Full Port Design (No restriction to flow when the valve is fully open)
Valve Position Indicator (Allow direct indication of valve position)
Manual Override (Allows the valve to be operated manually in the event of a power failure)
Innovative Home Systems has brass and stainless steel valves is all popular sizes from 1/2" to 2". We also sell Insteon and Z-wave water leak sensors and controllers. Check out our Insteon and Z-Wave valve packages for money saving deals that include a heavy duty power supply, automated controller, valve and complete wiring instructions.
Remember, Innovative Home Systems provides free, quality technical support before and after the sale. If you have any questions, contact us, we can help!